Skilled tradesmen need to know that they can always charge their tools in their cars and that their car batteries won't let them down. If you depend on power from your battery, you need a quality system for 230VAC power supply and battery charging.
Permanent access to
230V power.

Skilled tradesmen need to know that they can always charge their tools in their cars and that their car batteries won't let them down. If you depend on power from your battery, you need a quality system for a 230VAC power supply and battery charging.
A safe start with a fully charged battery.

Using your battery for power supply wears it down, and if you work from your vehicle, you need to know that it will start. A fixed DEFA battery charger provides optimal charging so that you can focus on your job..
A superior expandable

Our unique PlugIn system has the best 230V connection available making the installation of 230VAC power supply and charging easy. Our system is modular, and you can expand it with additional components.
Why choose a DEFA Plugin system from CC&N Global.
Quick & Easy Installation
It is essential to choose a system that is easy to install, and that can handle rough environments and heavy loads. The PlugIn system, in combination with a large selection of cables and connectors, provides both. Smart connections mean that no license is required to make the installation. Our products are compact and easy to mount, even when space is limited. Remote panels make the installation flexible since components don’t need to be accessible for the user.
Complete Kits
We offer our most popular products as complete kits which include the products, cables and accessories that you need. Each kit integrates into our system and can be expanded with other components later.